Team Development

The Mason Consulting Group’s custom learning solutions are strategically designed so your custom program results align with desired business outcomes.


Sales Team
Team Development

The Mason Consulting Group has a long history of working with teams. We work closely with team leaders to discover where your team sits across the researched stages of Team Development and design a custom team alignment session for both on or offsite programs. Let us help you propel your team past  “forming”                      to "high performing" – for even better business outcomes!

Team Alignment

Do your teams know and understand who they are as a team?           Are they aligned on why they are here & what their joint purpose is?   Are they united on how they want to live out their values daily                - so to consistently support the desired team culture they want?

Let The Mason Consulting Group design a team learning initiative to help you – help your team align – so to create that team synergy essential for better business outcomes!

Team Facilitation & coaching

Why use a facilitator or team coach?
There are several reasons. One of the most important is neutrality.

A neutral facilitator is going to make participants far more willing to participate & speak their mind. A facilitators position and training helps build team trust and openness - surfacing issues that would not be raised otherwise & can help unlayering not only the bad news – but good news as well.

MCG brings a wide range of team coaching & facilitation tools to help make your custom session productive. We free up the client – so internal leaders can show up as part of the team. They can really listen during the session using their energy and intuition to observe input and stated needs -gaining needed perspective on barriers to success.